Monday, August 30, 2010

Josh, Lesley, Jackson, Connor & Logan

Meet Josh, Lesley, Jackson, Connor & Logan.  Josh & Lesley are good friends of mine since high school.  Their boys are so funny!  I had so much fun with them!  Enjoy a sneak peak!

Shorter Posts

I am now going to be doing shorter posts from now on (for the most part).  I have created a new website where you can look through galleries of my photos.  I can also post photos for my clients to I won't be posting all of their photos here...just my favorites!  :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Miss Parker

Isn't she just the cutest?!?!  I just love this little Parker!  Really, I do love her. She's my best friend's daughter...and they live all the way in Houston, Texas.  While they were in Indiana for a visit, we went out and snapped a couple of shots!  Hope you enjoy Parker's sweet little face as much as I do!  :)

Darrick, Kara, Nolan & Reese

Meet Darrick, Kara, Nolan & Reese. We had a fun time on IU's campus and were lucky enough to get down on IU's football field where Nolan had a blast!!! Little Miss Reese was such a doll in her tutu and slippers too!